As the global economic recession settles in for a long winter (down under), the word comes that the prescriptions for anti-depressants in New Zealand has almost doubled compared to the numbers in 2002. 1.2 million prescriptions were written in 2008 compared to 700,000 in 2002.

While recession appears to be a major contributor to this rise in prescription, as people struggle to stay on top of their finances and continuing job losses, some experts also believe that a part of the problem is higher awareness of the treatment options. General Practitioners are now more likely to write a prescription for anti-depressant drugs than ever before.

In a global economy, financial malaise spreads fast and brings with it the corresponding misery.

Shailesh Kumar

Shailesh Kumar

Shailesh Kumar is an Entrepreneur, investor and blogger. He writes about value investing at Value Stock Guide. Learn about the stock market and discover the techniques proven to work best for long term investors for finding appropriate stocks to buy in their portfolio to get superior risk adjusted returns.